Believe it or not, Noud & Noud is happy to share that Michigan’s divorce rate has decreased over the last half-century, from 6.7 in 1970 down to 5.8 in 2016. And it’s been steadily...
What are QDROs and why do you need one in a divorce?
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If you are considering divorce and you or your spouse has pension benefits, a Qualified Domestic Relations Order, or QDRO, may be necessary to divide those pension benefits earned during your...
Noud & Noud stay current on ever-changing family laws
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As the American family continues to evolve so have the laws regarding legal relationships. Marriage, divorce, annulment, children, property and a wide range of other issues involving domestic...
Michigan custody laws may soon require joint custody, equal parenting
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Michigan State Representative Jim Runestad, R-White Lake, has introduced legislation that would drastically alter the way in which child custody cases are decided in Michigan. House Bill 4691...
When “fault” matters in “no fault” divorce
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Although “no fault” divorce became law in Michigan in 1972, the court may consider fault when dividing marital assets or when one party asks for spousal support or alimony. “No fault” divorce means...
No-fault divorce doesn’t mean that fault doesn’t count!
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In 1971 Michigan’s divorce law was changed to provide for “no-fault divorce.” Prior to 1971 you had to allege, and then prove, that your spouse had either committed adultery, was incompetent,...
‘The Secret Lives of Wives’
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It’s a matter of endurance. Marriage, that is. In her book, “The Secret Lives of Wives: Women Share What It Really Takes To Stay Married,” Iris Krasnow interviewed 200 women managing to stick it...