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Mason Wrongful Death Lawyer

There is simply nothing worse than losing a loved one, especially in circumstances where negligence or recklessness have led to the death.

At Noud and Noud, we understand that in the midst of grief and shock over a loss, families need someone to ensure the law is followed and that family victims of a wrongful death receive their just due.

No one and nothing can take the place of a wrongfully lost loved one. But for those of us who have to put together the pieces in the wake of personal tragedy, attorneys like Noud and Noud are an absolute necessity to make sure that the loved one’s lost wages and damages of lost consortium are paid out by the injuring party.

Children usually lose the most in cases of wrongful death. Besides losing a parent, loved one and role model, children also lose the economic security that parental wages previously provided. At Noud and Noud, we know that losing a parent should not also mean losing a college education, and we will fight for your rights and recovery.

Mason and East Lansing Wrongful Death Attorneys

Our firm has successfully represented a number of families in wrongful death cases. We will undertake a comprehensive legal effort designed to obtain compensation for your family and justice for your loved one. In addition to documenting the cause of the accident and the liability of the other party, we make a full accounting of your economic and non-economic losses. These could include any medical costs before death, lost future income the departed would have earned, and compensation for the emotional losses and distress that you and your family have suffered.

Noud & Noud will work diligently to build a strong and successful case designed to obtain full and complete compensation for you.

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