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Mason Retirement Account Lawyers

Division of Retirement Accounts in Divorce

During the divorce process, marital property (property that has been acquired during the course of the marriage) must be divided between the spouses. This applies to retirement funds that were accumulated during the marriage, such as 401(k) accounts, IRAs and pension plans. Achieving a fair and equitable division of retirement accounts can be a complex undertaking, particularly when accounts that are separate property get rolled over and combined with funds that have accumulated during the marriage.

Noud & Noud is a law firm with extensive experience in marital asset division matters, including the division of retirement funds and pension benefits. We have the knowledge and resources needed to identify marital retirement assets, value them and achieve a fair division. We will act to protect your rights and interests in this aspect of your divorce and all others.

For more information about the division of retirement assets and how it affects you, contact Noud & Noud.

Mason and East Lansing QDRO Attorneys

Retirement funds are of two types:

  • Defined contribution plans — Such as 401(k) accounts and profit sharing plans
  • Defined benefit plans — Plans that promise a specific monthly benefit for life

Dividing each type of fund presents challenges.

Noud & Noud has more than 30 years of experience in property division matters. This includes experience in the preparation of Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDRO) and Eligible Domestic Relation Orders (EDRO). At Noud & Noud, we do not farm out QDROs and EDROs to other law firms. We keep everything in-house, where we can devote the time and effort each case deserves.

Protecting Your Life Savings

Getting a fair and proper division of pension benefits and retirement accounts can make a big difference in your life after divorce. Noud & Noud will work hard to ensure that your rights are protected and your assets are preserved.

For a consultation with a lawyer about your case, contact Noud & Noud.

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