Noud & Noud successfully represent wrongful death lawsuits
When someone dies due to the fault (accidental or intentional) or negligence of another person or entity, those who suffer damages and survive the deceased may be able to bring a wrongful death lawsuit. Lawsuits can be brought against individuals, businesses, product manufacturers and other legal entities responsible for the death.
A wrongful death claim is a civil lawsuit. Liability is expressed solely in terms of money damages, which are paid by the defendant if they are found liable. Damages that may be available in a wrongful death case include: reasonable hospital, medical, funeral and burial expenses; lost wages and income, including the value of wages and income the deceased person would likely have earned in the future had he or she lived; pain and suffering endured by family members because of the death; and the loss of care and companionship family members enjoyed in their relationship with the deceased person.
Michigan wrongful death law requires a hospital, medical, funeral and burial expenses to be paid from the damages awarded. The remaining damages are then divided among the family members and individuals named in the deceased person’s will.
The state statute is specific and limits those who may be entitled to damages to the decedent’s surviving spouse, parents, siblings, children, grandparents or grandchildren; children of the deceased person’s spouse, and/or anyone who has left property in the deceased person’s will. If none of these people are living, or if the deceased person had no will, anyone who could inherit the deceased person’s estate may receive damages. This could include aunts and uncles or first cousins. Actions are brought by, and in the name of, the personal representative of the estate of the deceased.
Remember, Noud & Noud have successfully represented families in wrongful death cases and will build a strong and successful case to obtain full and complete compensation for you. Noud & Noud will undertake a comprehensive legal effort designed to obtain compensation for your family and justice for your loved one.